
1. 2016, The open access as an instrument for public policy towards social cohesion, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, under consideration (Elsevier, ERA[1] listed journal);

2. 2016, Open Access: a means for social justice and greater social cohesion, Social Justice Research journal, under publication (Springer, ERA listed journal);

3. 2016, The concept of intellectual property: from Plato’s views to current copyright protection in the light of open access, issue of December, Intellectual Property Forum: journal of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (ERA listed journal);

4. 2016, The desirability of open access as a means of publishing and disseminating information: Time to recast the relationship between commercial publishers and authors?, The UWA Law Review (ERA listed journal);

5. 2016, Open access as a means for social justice in the context of cultural diversity in Europe, Seattle Journal for Social Justice, Issue 15.1 (ERA listed journal);

6. 2016, Copyright as property right: its historical evolution, Intellectual Property Forum: journal of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Society of Australia and New Zealand, No. 104, p. 21-31(ERA listed journal);

7. 2016, History of copyright, growth and conceptual analysis: copyright protection and emergence of open access, Intellectual Property Quarterly, Issue 2, p 135-150 (Thomson Reuters, ERA listed journal);

8. 2015, The Open Access in the Context of Globalizing World, Journal of Publishing Research Quarterly, Vol. 31, Issue 1, p. 132-141 (Springer, ERA listed journal);

9. 2014, In search of one sole institutional repository in Greece: adventures and solutions for an integration of repositories towards bridging digital divide, American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 119-124, (peer-reviewed journal);

10. 2014, Trends towards stronger data protection: The right to be forgotten in the European Union, European Scientific Journal, Vol. 10. No. 10, p. 285-291 (peer-reviewed journal);

11. 2014, The Affiliation between State and Churches: the case study of Greece, Journal of Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skoldowska Sectio K: Politologia, Vol. XXX, Issue 1, p.85-96 (ERA listed journal);

12. 2014, The copyright exceptions concerning education and teaching in Greece after the European directives on copyright: from open education to ‘code is law’, Ethics and Information Technology (peer-reviewed journal);

13. 2014, Intervention in Professor Paul Sturges’ lecture: ‘Transparency’, School of Information and Informatics, Tekmirion Journal, (peer-reviewed journal);

14. 2013, Intervention in Professor Joshua Fairfield’s lecture: Mixed Reality-How the Laws of Virtual Worlds Govern Everyday Life, Tekmirion Journal, (peer-reviewed journal);

15. 2013, Intervention in Emeritus Professor Giorgos Mpokos’ lecture: The continuous ‘adventure’ of Information, Tekmirion Journal, Vol. 3, Issue 1, p. 2-3 (peer-reviewed journal);

16. 2013, Institutional Repositories of Open Access: A paradigm of innovation and changing in Educational Politics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 106, p. 1499-1504 (ERA listed journal);

17. 2013, Intervention in Professor Emilios Christodoulidis’ lecture: ‘Truth and Reconciliation as Risks’, Tekmirion Journal (under publication, peer-reviewed journal)

[1] ERA: Excellence in Research for Australia

Law PhD candidate receives Dunmore Lang College awards
Macquarie University Macquarie Law School LAW 473 – Intellectual Property Law Dunmore Lang College Monash University Monash Business School
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